Assembling a Prusa MK3S+ 3D Printer


Tools & Materials

Prusa MK3S+ 3D Printer

All tools to assemble the printer comes with the machine.

Project Description

How is a Prusa MK3S+ 3D Printer assembled? Here’s a video tutorial showing you how I put one together from beginning to end.

One of the biggest barriers to entry for any digital fabrication tool like a 3D printer is assembling one and learning how to use it. Some manufacturers like Prusa offer the option to purchase a pre-assembled printer, which I always recommend for people who are new to the craft.

However, the best way to get to know the machine is to put one together from scratch. In this YouTube video, I’ll walk you through the step by step process of assembling a Prusa MK3S+ for yourself including mistakes I made along the way so you can avoid them.

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